Young man with Kalashnikov from Niaro. Copyright Pawel Wolf.
Young man with Kalashnikov from Niaro. Copyright Pawel Wolf.

Pawel Wolf

Ferry mechanic in Shendi. Copyright Pawel Wolf.
Pawel Wolf

Dr Pawel Wolf is an archaeologist based in Berlin, who has photographed the people and landscapes of Sudan and South Sudan since 1991.

Pawel’s experience in Sudan has ranged from excavation at the sites of Meroe, Musawwarat es Sufra and Gebel Barkal, to work with the German Archaeological Institute on a number of projects, such as the Meroe Royal Baths, the Hamdab Archaeological project and the Ancient Nile Valley Virtual Reality. Through his experience on these projects and personal travel, Pawel’s photographs have documented an incredibly diverse range of subjects, ranging from temples and pyramids to ancient graffiti, modern era buildings and transport, and various rural and urban landscapes and local community characters.

Pawel has offered a selection of his remarkable  photographs to be included in Sudan Memory.  these are available here to view.

Berlin, Germany

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