Sufis in Sudan. Copyright Frédérique Cifuentes.
Sufis in Sudan. Copyright Frédérique Cifuentes.

Frédérique Cifuentes

Halfaia Cinema. Copyright Frédérique Cifuentes.
Frédérique Cifuentes

Frederique Cifuentes is a multimedia producer, curator and educator based in London, specialising in the documentation and promotion of cultural identity and heritage. Her work is deeply informed and enriched by continuous multicultural experiences, cross-cultural dia­logues and exploration of identities, histories and mea­nings. Over years of research and work in Sudan and the UK, Frederique has built a significant archive of Sudan heritage through photography and film, spanning various locations and themes.

Frederique’s photography work has been exhibited world-wide in galleries and museums and published by The Independent, Middle East Business News, African Arts, Armanco, among others. Her films have been broadcasted by the BBC Arabic, Al Arabia TV, Uni­versal TV, S24 TV Sudan. Some of Frederique’s international exhibitions, specific to Sudan, include: ‘Sudan South Sudan Literature Week’; ‘Mogadishu 2030’ and ‘Sudan Singularities’ at P21 Gallery London; ‘Sudan International Photography Sym­posium’ in Sudan; ‘PhotoSudan Network’ at UNESCO headquarters in Paris.

Frederique works with major cultural organisations and international institutions, NGOs, festivals, museums, galleries, broadcasters, online platforms, academics and corporate clients in the UK, the MENA Region and Sub-Saharan Africa. She is also the founder and director of London-based creative agency Ray of Light Studio, which delivers high-end professional photography, video production and consultancy services.

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