Sudan Airways ticket jacket. Copyright Air Tickets History.
Sudan Airways ticket jacket. Copyright Air Tickets History.

Air Tickets History

Sudan Airways Ticket 13 March 1961. Copyright Air Tickets History.
Air Tickets History

Air Tickets History is a personal collection of different tickets and boarding passes, from more than 1000 airlines from many countries, spanning six continents. This extensive collection includes a number of Sudan Airways materials, dating from 1960-83. Sudan Airways is the national airline of Sudan and one of the first African airlines, formed in 1946 with the technical assistance of Airwork Limited and the commercial support of Sudan Railways.

The Air Tickets History collection was started over 44 years ago, by Gklavas Athanasios when he was eight years old. It was at this time Gklavasa took his first flight and began his love of flight, the airline industry and tickets. He saw the flight ticket as a small booklet or token that could make dreams a reality. Since then he has built his collection, each item being individual and some of them very rare.

Gklavas’s full collection can be viewed on the Air Tickets History website and he welcomes questions and comments. Gklavas sends greetings from Greece, asking visitors to enjoy the heritage of the airline industry and to have a nice flight!

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