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Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: This index was published in Wingate’s “Report on the Dervish Rule in the Eastern Sudan” (May 1891) as Appendix IV entitled “Index to a manuscript letter book from Tokar, referring entirely to the doings of the Mahdi”. This report can be found in Durham (SAD 253/1) and in the NRO (CairInt 3/03/46). The letter-book (“al-Majdhūb Abū Bakr letter-book) is kept at Durham (SAD 99/1) and available online. 14/04/1891
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: On the departure of Musāʿid Qīdūm and al-Bashārī Isḥāq to Omdurman. - This text has been edited in Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Abū Salīm, Muḥarrarāt ʿUthmān Diqna, Khartoum, Markaz Abū Salīm li-l-dirāsāt, 2004. See letter 378 15/013/1312
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: On Muḥammad Ḥamad Maḥmūd ʿAlī. - This text has been edited in Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Abū Salīm, Muḥarrarāt ʿUthmān Diqna, Khartoum, Markaz Abū Salīm li-l-dirāsāt, 2004. See letter 294 28/04/1310
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: On the position of the tribes toward the Mahdiyya and ʿUthmān Diqna’s policy toward them. - This text has been edited in Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Abū Salīm, Muḥarrarāt ʿUthmān Diqna, Khartoum, Markaz Abū Salīm li-l-dirāsāt, 2004. See letter 93 02/01/1306
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: Draft of a translation of a letter from the Khalīfa to ʿUthmān Diqna, most likely by an agent of the Department of Military Intelligence. The letter is one of the letters included in ʿUthmān Diqna’s letter-book (see NRO-M000999, p. 2). c. 04/1891
Items: 593


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