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Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: This booklet contains proverbs, dates, praise, and poetry, following on from the second pamphlet in the series. The scholar and linguist Abu al-Hasan Ali bin Ismail Al-Andalusi, known as Ibn Al-Sayda, who died 458, said in his book Al-Nakhl: ‘The palm tree is the date tree, and the plural is palms, date palms, and palms, and its first name is 'Al-Naqeera' and the nucleus, the navel of the nucleus and the fovea, in which the back of the nucleus is, form the palm sprouts, form a small round seed. He also discusses the thorns of the palm, the stem, the kernel and the trunk’. Also mentioned is the palm tree's methods of reproduction.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: This booklet contains a chapter on wills and the advice of fathers to their children.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: Pamphlet about animals. In the beginning the author talks about camels in states of agitation or rebellion, and then discusses types of camels, their meat, and their branding. He goes on to talk about the markings’ forms in relation to each of the tribes in Sudan. The author refers to stories about maidservants from the book Muruj Al-Dhahab and to poems by Al-Mutanabbi, varying between praise and satire. The author returns at the end of the booklet to mentioning waterwheels.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: Contains hadiths that mention palms and dates, and the translation of Ibn Arafa, the author of the verses mentioned in 'Al-Dibaj al-Mudhahhab' and a chapter on the etiquette of relieving oneself. He also mentioned the hadiths on the noble lineage of the Prophet.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: This pamphlet contains the Sunnah of the Prophet in the hadith, the definition of the hadith, its recording and everything related to the science of hadiths since the time of the Messenger, may God bless him and him peace. It also includes a chapter on the reasons for the notation of the book of the Muwatta of Imam Malik, mentioning the term hadith, and the deaths of some of the Companions, may God be pleased with them, and their dates.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: This pamphlet begins with a poem by Abu Tammam in which he eulogizes Muhammad bin Hamid Al-Tusi. كذا فليجل الخطب وليفدحِ الأمرُ فليس لعين لم يفض ماؤها عذرُ Translated as: The debt is so great and heartbreaking, my dears; Never excused is an eye that did not shed tears He also discusses the poetry of another two Arab poets: Al-Mutanabbi and al-Buhturi, enumerating the subject matter of their poems.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: This pamphlet mentions Andalusia, the historical monuments there, the scholars and poets who visited it, its borders, and its cities.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: This includes descriptions of the importance of books and of those who increased authorship in Islam, as well as information about famous libraries in the Muslim world.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: A pamphlet containing the names of palm trees in Shaygiyya region, for example Al-Barkawi and Al-Gundaila, and their types of dates including Karsha and Haseeb, which are very sweet, and Al-Berira. It also includes information about names and statistics of palm trees in the other Arab countries.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: A book about the planting and care of palm trees. The author discusses how he took care of them from age ten and brought many types of palm trees from all over Sudan. He notes verses and hadiths where palm trees are mentioned, the names for different kinds of palm trees, and that the first person to plant a date palm tree was Aws bin Sheth bin Adam. He also notes verses and hadiths where envy is mentioned. Aside from palm trees, he talks about childhood, education, poetry and stories about children, and mentions the link between animals and botany.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: A pamphlet containing advice of a man his children to abstain from committing forbidden deeds, for it leads to destruction. The author mentions forbidden things in detail, ordering the readers to follow the lawful Halal and the path of God. He concludes with a poem of the Abu Amr Yusuf bin Abdullah bin Abdul Barr advising his son.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: A book about palm trees, noting hadiths that mention palm trees. It also includes a chapter on the colours of palm trees as well as the required Zakat on palms.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: Regarding forms and types of plant life, their methods of reproduction and growth. It covers palm trees and how they reproduce via the wind as well as the role of insects in spreading pollen. If the pollen is successful in germinating, it will develop into a date palm with fruit of a red and yellowish colour. Depending on the type of date palm and its region, the fruit will change and be either dry or wet, but can rot if left to dry too long. Wet dates grow in hot, dry countries with little air, and their ripening period changes requiring multiple harvests. The book also includes a chapter on lexicographer's sayings about palm trees, and palm trees in Sudan.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: A pamphlet on palm tree pollen and fruits, the types and names of these fruits, and how palm trees are planted.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: This contains stories and information about dates, citing sayings from the pre-Islamic period of Al-Jahiliya, and with Abu Al-Aswad Al-Du'ali's work on grammar and its complex origins. The booklet also contains some poetry on the subject.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: This pamphlet contains information on palm trees in the Qu’ran and in Surat al-Mu'minin. In other surahs the palm tree is mentioned, and interpretations and explanations for those verses are also provided.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: This pamphlet contains the follow-up to the twenty-fourth pamphlet mentioning notable people and the deaths of notables in the tenth Hegira century.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: The author describes the beauty of gardens when visited by rain, supported by extracts from poems. There are also descriptions of specific tourist places on earth and of some drug potions.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: This contains a chapter on comparing the palm tree to a woman, and writings and verses about palm trees and dates.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: A pamphlet containing a chapter on waterwheels, which help water palm trees, and their multiple names.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: A chapter in this pamphlet describes praiseworthy women and their marriages. It also contains a description of Al-Mu'tamad bin Abbad and his poetry.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: A pamphlet on olives.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: This pamphlet contains a poem recited in the presence of the Messenger of God. It describes dates, the stem of the palm trunk and other parts of the palm, translated by Imam Taqi Al-Din Ali Al-Subki.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: Contains Arabic poetry from the time of the Prophet (PBUH), including topics such as praise and satire. Additionally, the pamphlet contains hadiths about poetry by the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, especially the poetry of wisdom. There is also a chapter about cows, their types and benefits.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: This book contains a variety of information including passages on circumcision and hadiths on this topic. Another chapter describes four types of trees, namely palms, grapes, olives, and pomegranates, and provides information on planting them. Another passage is on the seven popular readings in Islamic countries, along with the names of the seven reciters, as well as three additional reciters. Another chapter id dedicated to the discussion of sheep. Finally it describes what Shams Al-Din Abu Abdullah (Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawzi) says about heaven and its residents, what Allah hath prepared for the righteous.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: The author here discusses alcohol in Ramadan, when he was a kadi [judge], and the dangers of committing the crime of shurb al-khamr (intoxication by drinking alcohol).
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: This book focuses on the palm tree and its fruit, noting historians’ interest in the tree, and stories and verses on palm trees.

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