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Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.khartoumandomdurmanbuildings
Description: Khartoum Hilton Hotel
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.khartoumandomdurmanbuildings
Description: Khartoum Hilton Hotel
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.khartoumandomdurmanbuildings
Description: Khartoum Hilton Hotel
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.khartoumandomdurmanbuildings
Description: Sahara Hotel, Khartoum’s Old Downtown
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.khartoumandomdurmanbuildings
Description: Khartoum Hilton Hotel
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.khartoumandomdurmanbuildings
Description: Khartoum Hilton Hotel
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.khartoumandomdurmanbuildings
Description: Palace Hotel, Khartoum North
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.khartoumandomdurmanbuildings
Description: Palace Hotel, Khartoum North
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.khartoumandomdurmanbuildings
Description: Sahara Hotel, Khartoum’s Old Downtown
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.khartoumandomdurmanbuildings
Description: The Grand Holiday Villa Hotel, Khartoum, Nile Street, Khartoum, was built in the early 1900s. This colonial-era property was Sudan’s first ever hotel and originally managed by the Sudanese Railway.
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.khartoumandomdurmanbuildings
Description: The Grand Holiday Villa Hotel, Khartoum, Nile Street, Khartoum, was built in the early 1900s. This colonial-era property was Sudan’s first ever hotel and originally managed by the Sudanese Railway.
Items: 11


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