Atbara Train. Photo by Issam Abdelhafiez.
Atbara Train. Photo by Issam Abdelhafiez.

Atbara Train

Atbara Train. Photo by Issam Abdelhafiez.
Issam Ahmed Abdelhafiez

As if it is a prophecy associated with the revolutions in Sudan, specifically from the city of iron and fire, Atbara. It increased the momentum of the revolution and ignited the fire against the tyrannical regime and the revolutions in Sudan. Historically, this was with the arrival of a train from Kassala in 1964, during the popular October 1964 revolution, which overthrew the regime of General Abboud at that time.

As for the Atbara train, it arrived to Khartoum in support of the December revolution on August 17, 2019, and was celebrated by the revolutionaries along the road from Atbara. It entered Khartoum Bahri at three o'clock among the crowds of revolutionaries, then entered the sit-in square in front of the General Command, after travelling 333 km to Khartoum.

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