Sufi traditions in Sudan
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- Description:
- The heartbeat of the Holiya is set by the parade and the visiting delegates from other Sufi orders coming from all regions of Sudan. One is witness to a fascinating spectacle of banners and drummers at the head of religious and tribal chieftains, all come to greet and honour the sheikh of the local brotherhood. Delegations file past with a joyous step, in contrast to the seriousness of the sheikh who welcomes each group with a prayer of greeting. Khartoum, Sudan.
- Country location:
- Sudan
- Exact location:
- Sudan
- Date:
- 2003-2007
- Collection:
- Frederique Cifuentes > Sufi Traditions in Sudan
- Media type:
- Photographic Print
- Topics:
- Religion
- Sudan Memory ID:
- FCF-0000248
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